Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I heart LBG Studio

Check out these awesome goodies I won in a giveaway over at Steals, Deals, and Heels!

These items are handmade by my blog friend Vanessa of Little Big Girl Studio.  Even better!

Pink and navy is one of my favorite color combos.  I just love this little zip pouch and key fob.  The zipper is installed SO nicely . . . I'm going to need a lot more practice before I can achieve that myself!  Good thing I bought 50 zippers to practice with.

I've admired Vanessa's work for a long time.  In fact, I think she may have been my very first Flickr contact way back when!  Her projects are so cute and inspiring.  If you don't already know Vanessa, be sure to check out her blog and her shop

Happy sewing!


  1. major jealousy here, those are great and so cool you won them! :)

  2. Lucky you!! Those are seriously cute!!!

  3. Hi! I'm not a morning person so I guess I'm a bit late in seeing this. . .but you've just made my day. Thanks so much for the kind words and for sharing!!!!

  4. I love the combination of shocking pink and navy blue too! Those are awesome!


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